Summary: Impulses Toward Storm-Cellar Isolationism

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Impulses Toward Storm-Cellar Isolationism Post 1918 chaos, Great Depression Communist USSR lead, Russia - Joseph Stalin dictator Italy - Benito Mussolini, a fascist, in 1922 Seek glory, empire in Africa Attack Ethiopia w/ bombers, tanks 1935 Germany - Adolf Hitler 1933 Combine power + impulsiveness Austrian painter, talents (orator, leader) Secure Nazi control by making political capital of Tr. of Versailles, unemployment 1936 Nazi Hitler & Fascist Mussolini ally in Rome-Berlin Axis Imperial Japan Demand more territory for large pop. 1934 - give notice of Washington Naval Treaty termination Denied complete party in Tr. Versailles Acc. construction giant battleships America Johnson Debt Default Act - prevent debt-dodging nations from borrowing

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