Exploring the Similarities and Differences Between the Foreign Policies of Mussolini and Hitler

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Exploring the Similarities and Differences Between the Foreign Policies of Mussolini and Hitler


- Both foreign policies geared to achieving great power status

o Hitler: lebensraum, wanted to have living space for the expansion

of the German race and control over other groups

o Mussolini: wanted control over Mara nostrum, Abyssinia, …an empire

- fascist states

o had anti communist feelings;

o both signed anti comintern pact 1937 against USSR

o Spanish civil war against communism helping Franco secure power

o Signed pact of steel in may 1939, a full military alliance

- unhappy with status quo, wanted international prestige

o national grievances on Versailles, people wanted to change


o Hitler, product of WW1 who was angry at Versailles and wanted to see

Germany achieve great power status

o Mussolini; felt that Italy had been treated unfairly at Versailles

and also waned to change the status quo

o Because of this both built up armies, navies and air forces..

Italian air force to block out the sun + German luftwaffe…

- both Hitler and Mussolini, used diplomacy and force as well as

aggression to get what they wanted

o Mussolini over Greece where it undermined the LofN, used force to

take Abyssinia 1935

o Hitler used the threat of force to take Austria and diplomacy as

well as force to take Czech and Saarland in 193…

- by 1939 both had a common enemy; Britain and France

- both were aggressive nationalists and glorified warw

- both wanted empires; abysinnia and lebenstraum to distract from

problems at home..


- Hitler was more clear in his aims and ideals whereas Mussolini was

more vague and opportunistic

o Although Hitler did take advantage of opportunities such as

Abyssinia crises to remilitarise Rhineland he was more structured in

his aims for Lebensraum, unification of all Germans, building up the

army and recovering lost territories

§ Illustrated by Hitler’s success after success ; Rhineland in 36,

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