Success: The Meaning Of The Definition Of Success

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Nearly everyone aims to be successful. However, success is a personal value, and everyone has a different characterization of what success is. Some people may think that success is having a life full of lavish things and heaps of money. Others may think that success is getting married and having a family. Success doesn’t always have to involve money. Success can be as simple as taking control of your life in one way or another, like getting into a healthy lifestyle, working out, or going back to college. These are successful in their personal way. Not only do people disagree about the meaning of success, but they also disagree about what success is. Some people may think success is only attainable when working on long-term goals, while others may believe that accomplishing any task is success. Success is quite a subjective term. If you were to ask ten individuals what they think the true meaning of success is, you would most likely get ten different answers. What one person thinks of as successful, may not …show more content…

The journey might be foreign, and the destination may seem so far away. Success involves preparation and determination. One way you can achieve success is by being open-minded. Being open to meeting new people and experiencing new cultures or lifestyles can show you the way to success. By being closed off, you could miss out on details or experiences that could benefit you, help you to accomplish your goal, and shape you into a more successful being. Another way to become successful is to communicate with the people around you. This goes along with being open-minded. Meeting and networking with different people can help you to get new outlooks and diverse perspectives. The last way (and one of the most important ways) to be successful is to be passionate about whatever you are doing. If you have no passion or love for what you are doing, you aren’t going to be motivated and you are eventually going to fail or give

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