Student Loans For College Essay

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Personal Finance Essay Many students in today’s world believe they need to take out student loans for college. I believe you don’t have to take that path. Student loans are hurting many students who attend jcollege, and I believe that the loans should stop. Any student can get through college and be debt free at the end. If they are smart with their money and follow the correct choices, this shouldn’t be a problem for them. If you make the sacrifice and effort right now, you’ll keep yourself from digging a hole you’ll have to start climbing out of the moment you receive your college degree. (Ramsey 107). If you know ways to start saving money for college, don’t be afraid to start. Just because it’s easy to sign those student loan notes doesn’t mean it’s the only way. (Ramsey 108). Making sacrifices with your money now, will make your hole of debt that much less. The less you have to worry about debt, is the more you can focus on you. Around 30% of student loan borrowers have dropped out of college and have to continue paying the debt with just a high school graduate salary. Having two to three jobs while at college is alright, and maybe having a not so nice car. What helps you save now can help you in the future. …show more content…

Most people today accept the debt that comes from college. Students consider student loan debt as a “good debt.” They see other students make this mistake but follow their path anyway. Nearly 80% of college-bound students have not projected the total amount of money they will need to graduate college. Preparing for college before hand is a key role in not paying a student loan debt. Ending college with no debt in key, and doing it with success is a self-bonus. A total estimate of one-trillion dollars is the amount of today’s student loan debt. Students need to see new ways to not be one to fall into this great

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