Student Athlete Argument Essay

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Are you or your friends academically challenged or just too lazy to do your work at school but still want to play sports? If you have either of these problems you could be in trouble. Some schools require you to be on the honor roll in order to play in a game. This rule, in my opinion, is a little too strict. The life of a student-athlete can be very busy and stressful. Also the reason for student athletes to go to school and get good grades is higher than if you didn’t play sports because of the incentive to play sports. Most schools also ask students to be in school to be allowed to attend practice or play in a game that day. So the attendance rate of an athlete at school is higher not only because of the incentive to play but also so that he/she can keep up on all of their homework. Also that means that the students will usually get better grades but that's not always the case because He/She is mentally challenged or just because of laziness, and with better grades comes a higher graduation rate. According to Eleanor Barkhorn “The higher graduation rates could be explained away by the theory that teachers have lower standards for athletes—that they’re willing to let athletes pass without doing all the work.” (“Athletes”) I agree with this minorly. The Teachers do take it a little easier but …show more content…

“Athletes don’t have as much time to focus on their studies because of their after school commitments, rather it be practice or games.”(The Mycenaean.) This can make it even harder for them to keep their grades up high enough to play sports. If you think that a kid aging from 14-18 will want to sit at home and do his/her homework instead of hanging out with friends you might need to get out a little more often because that is not usually the case. kids want to be with their friends so they can relax and talk about things they don’t trust others

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