Resisting Socioeconomic Stereotypes: A Study on 'The Outsiders'

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The Outsiders: Standing Through Struggles There are many factors people can’t control in life. Their initial wealth, the groups they were born into, their social status. All of these things contribute into how they grow, and the person they become. It affects how they treat others, how they treat money and their morals. Both the Socs and the greasers are heavily affected by this, but the greasers do a better job in fighting through. They resist these struggles and don’t let them completely define who they are. They make it so they’re less affected by their socioeconomic state. The greasers are heavily affected by their socioeconomic situation. In their city they suffer from prejudice. People think that they’re just good for nothing greasers. …show more content…

This is because the greasers try. With ponyboy getting caught up in books and movies and the rest of the gang singing, doing acrobatics, and wearing their stereotype. When the greasers are heading to the rumble they jump around while singing, “I am a greaser, a JD and a hood. I blacken the name of our fair city, man do I have fun”(Hinton, 136). They do these things because they mean something to them. They fill their lives with breaks of fun between all the chaos of their environment. The Socs throw beer bashes and jump greasers, but to what end. They’re immune to fun and emotion. these things don’t matter, yet they do these things and pretend to have fun. They don’t try to think outside of the box and find better and unique ways to combat their situation. With home life, the greasers have replaced parental figures and a safe home with their community. Their group of friends which they are close with and help ease the pain of whatever they’re going through. They’re able to relate to each other and understand each other. They play games and joke around and gain genuine joy from each other’s presence. The Socs have fake relationships. Their friends don’t ease their pain. They’re friends run away when their friend is killed. They abuse their friends like how Bob acted toward Cherry Vallace at the movies. He drove away just leaving her. They don’t care about their friends and they don’t feel. They just accept their stereotype,where they’re too cool to feel. Because of this, the Greasers are handling their situation more effectively than the Socs

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