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Stress is defined as a mentally or emotionally distracting condition occurring because of difficult pressures. Millions and perhaps even billions suffer everyday from stress and its effects. Stress affects a person's physical health; usually the symptoms are increased heart rate, a rise in blood pressure, irritability, and depression. This plague can affect all ages and both genders. The main reason why stress is so dangerous is because it can be fatal to a person's health. Not only can stress lead to many heart diseases, but also it could make a person panic-stricken. Although stress may look unconquerable or inevitable, it is possible to control it. There are many quick and easy steps for managing and limiting a person's stress. The key is patience and careful planning. Although it sounds obvious, many people do not recognize they have stress factors. Some common sings for people who have stress are fatigue or irritability. Sometimes family members even abuse each other domestically. People who realize they experience stress can point out the common causes that they have. After a person points out the stressors he or she can exploit them. For example, if you know if you are going to be spending money on useless things and that it could make your wife angry then you could refrain from doing this to avoid unnecessary stress. After a person has avoided his or her stressors they would be more relaxed. However, if people forget their stressors they can easily have reminders such as posted notes on the fridge. This step essential because if you can't recognize you have stress then you cannot control it. Secondly, exercising and hobbies can greatly reduce stress, by not only keeping you in shape but also lowering your blood p... ... middle of paper ... ...stress. By managing or channeling a person's stress it will lead to a better life and a better outcome. Just some of the physical benefits of controlling your stress include more strength, better sleep, and less fatigue. It can also prevent high blood pressure, pain, or any other heart problems. The most emotional benefits are a batter quality of well being and life, reduced irritability and pressure. The most important benefit of stress management is being able to get your life back together. There are many quick and easy steps for managing and limiting a person's stress. If people realized all these essential steps they would no longer be stressful today as they are. It is important people don't carry around necessary stress like competitions and negative aspects of their lives. After a person has conquered stress he or she will have a much better peace of mind.

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