Strengthsquest Reflection Paper

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The results of the StrengthsQuest assessment were very interesting. In fact, I was surprised by how accurately the talents aligned with my goals and personality. My top five strengths were futuristic, input, arranger, responsibility, and intellection. I define futuristic as always thinking about the next steps or thinking about how my actions in the present will affect my future. Also, I define input as offering my perspective on things especially issues that I feel strongly about. Next, I define arranger as someone who likes to brings ideas together and consider the logistics when planning things. Furthermore, I define responsibility as doing the right thing and looking out for others. Lastly, I define intellection as a strength in someone …show more content…

StrengthsQuest describes responsibility as someone that “truly regrets making a mistake, violating a rule, breaking a trust, or producing poor results.” I believe every great RA possesses this strength. An integral component of the position is following rules and enforcing them. One of my core values is following the rules because it gives me a sense of security. StrengthsQuest does highlight that individuals with this strength tend to be independent workers. I know that my sense of responsibility can come off as distrusting of other’s capabilities, but I want to challenge myself to be more collaborative. Input is more apparent than responsibility (in terms of independence), so I am hoping that as the strengths develop they will work harmoniously. Moreover, StrengthsQuest describes intellection as someone that is likely to “escape the tension, pressure, or stress of everyday life by collecting information.” This strength is very important to the RA role because it is easy to get caught up in the demands of the position and neglect to practice self-care. When I begin my RA position and school and life get hectic, I will be sure to find ways to de-stress and take a step back practice self-care – for my own benefit and in a way modeling positive behavior to my

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