Strength And Conditioning Case Study

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The job market for strength and conditioning coaches are very tough: considerable competition for jobs, especially at the college and professional levels. It can be difficult breaking into this circle without having made connections or having proved yourself with top-level conditioning coaches. Research shows that salaries for strength and conditioning coaches vary as much as the type of work they do; generally salaries are in the same range as those of personal trainers, typically in the $40,000 to $60,000 dollars ( United States) range depending on experience and qualifications. For those who inspire to work athletes in college or professional level, head conditioning coaches typically get paid anywhere from $45,000 to $75,000 annually. Some rare cases they can earn as much as $200,000. Conditioning coaches for professional …show more content…

Throughout the two weeks, Pronto seem to be really excited to working with his athletes. Constantly through his work out sessions, he was very enthusiastic, and energetic. You can tell that he loves his job. All his athletes said that he would give his shirt off his back if had too: he truly cared. Pronto developed a systematic training programs for teams and individual athletes. This usually includes teaching proper lifting techniques, supervising and motivating athletes as they work out, and assessing their performance before and after the program. Other unique features of Pronto’s program is that he includes exercise that decreases the likelihood of injuries in his athletes, in addition he attempts to strengthen both sides of the athlete’s body. Pronto has high expectations for is athletes. His program is based around one primary principle: mental toughness. At times, his athletic exercise programs can be fairly rigorous. During that time he constantly gets on his athletes to train as hard as they possibly can and don’t give in to the

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