Stone's The Rationality Project

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One of Stone’s goals in the book was to illustrate how the rationality project misses the point of politics. The Rationality Project takes a whole different approach of the public policy process by focusing on rational thinking or reasoning. According to the author someone looking at politics from a rational view would see politics as messy, foolish, and erratic. If you look at our current policy process it involves identifying problems whether they are social issues, causes or demands for action. These problems are pursued and brought to the attention of congress by individuals, interest groups or even members of congress. In the agenda setting stage, these issues are introduced to the general public through the efforts of the media and public officials. The primary reason is for political parties to garner public support to the preferred side of the issue. The policy is now formulated by developing alternatives for the identified problems on the agenda. This process gets interest groups, congressional members, the president and other organizations involved in policy planning. After...

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