Steve Jobs: America's Symbol Of Innovation

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Steve Jobs: America’s Symbol of Innovation Steve Jobs in one of the most well-known American symbols, he is a co-founder for Apple and has created the many apple technologies people now use in their day to day lives. Steve Jobs did not come from the wealthiest family, they struggled to afford the classes he took in college. However, with the help of some friends, a garage space to work, some determination, and some innovation, Steve Jobs would achieve the American dream and become a national and even worldwide symbol of innovation and entrepreneurship.

Before Apple came to be what it is today, Steve Jobs worked as a technician for Atari. Atari is commonly known for being the producer …show more content…

Jobs once said “You can’t connect the dots looking forward, you can only connect them looking backwards.” This was a philosophy he seemed to live by and is representative of the problem solving skills that made him such a successful entrepreneur. Jobs was able to figure out the perfect mixture of effective business practice, efficiency of his products, and style that would make an everyday American want to purchase his products. His products may not have always been the cheapest but they were always one of the best (if not the best) option in the market depending on the time period. Jobs made people realize that your dreams are attainable despite your background and financial situation. Dreams can always be attained with a little bit of intuition, innovation, and some hard work. To date the company Apple is worth over seven hundred billion dollars and shows no sign of growth stopping or slowing down any time in the near future, if Jobs was able to start this idea in a garage and turn it into the well know multinational billion dollar corporation that it is today, it is definitive proof to the American people that anything can be achieved if you do not give up on your dreams and aspirations and are willing to put in the time and …show more content…

If he had given up on his ideas and Apple was never invented society would not be as advanced as it is today. Phones like the Samsung galaxy which is the iphone’s main competitor would not be as advanced if there was not a rival company that was driving Samsung to constantly make improvements to make the phone better, faster, stronger, and more efficient. Even the rival companies to Apple, can respect the entrepreneurship and innovation that it took for Jobs to create his company. Not only rival companies, but the president as well. Is 2010 before Steve Jobs passed away, president Obama praised Steve Jobs for being a symbol of the American dream and noted his substantial contribution to modern day technology. Not only did the president recognize Steve Job’s accomplishments before his death, but MarketWatch even went as far as to give Jobs the title “CEO of the decade.”

It is important to note that Steve Job’s success did not come without a price. Job’s had many issues with his family throughout the decades due to how engrossed he was with his work. However, he did eventually meet his wife Laurene Powell in 1989 and as Jobs put it in a televised interview they were almost always together after that. Over all the family situation worked out for Jobs and his family helped propel his career forward and gave him motivation to become the symbol of innovation

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