Steve Harvey's Waiting For Sex

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90 Day Rule: How Long People Really Wait To Have Sex
Imagine you’re on the best date of your life with the person you suspect is The One. The sexual chemistry is palpable, but you’re looking for a long-term thing — not a hookup. Should you jump into bed with him or her as soon as you’re alone? Or should you wait until you’ve gone out on a few more dates before sleeping together?
The short answer: Do whatever the hell you want. There’s no set time to have sex.
Steve Harvey, the best-selling author, has inspired women around the world to hold off on sex for 90 days to get the respect they deserve, and land a dedicated man.
Often referring to sex as the “cookie,” Harvey suggests that women keep the cookie in the cookie jar for a probationary …show more content…

Which is the best view-point for any human being but to consider his advice to relationship law is debatable.
I don’t like using the word “cookie” for vagina. (He had to be referring to his daughters using the word “cookie”)
First off, no one waits the 90 days anyway.
But for the women who apply this rule, you should be aware. Waiting for sex is no big deal for today’s man. It depends on the man you are dating. Trouble is men today - are knowledgeable all about the 90 day rule. What self-respecting man will wait 90 days only because you think it will make your relationship last until the end of time?
Like the book based movie, “Think Like A Man”, once the beta male characters realized the women had applied the rules for a relationship book, they played along. This is a trip wire for some alpha male type men because they agree with it. It’s like a contest or some imaginary line drawn in the sand.
I heard men say it seems like they are put inside of a box for a RANDOM challenge. Men love women who do what the heck they want. Some men have very strong, masculine energy. If he’s attracted to a woman, he will tell her. Oh, don’t pretend to be confused. He’s the bad boy with that raw edge and grim you …show more content…

Since Americans are staying single longer than ever and singles outnumbering their married counterparts, there is no norm nowadays for sleeping with new partners. According to Pew Research Center, as of 2007, only 38% of adult Americans believed premarital sex was wrong, a number that’s likely only gotten smaller in recent years. (FWIW, studies suggest that there’s good reason to get it on as soon as possible if you want to cash in on awesome honeymoon-phase sex.)
There is no “right” time for deciding when you are ready to have sex with someone. It is a different-strokes-for-different-folks kind of thing. What leads couples to hit the sheets in their relationship?
Do women who sleep with men end up married? Of course! Millions. There are also millions of women and men who get acquainted with their partner in other ways before getting physical.
What it comes down to is how much effort you put into your relationship. One-night stands happen, but so does love at first sight. There are players out there who are looking for an easy hook up and there are Prince Charming

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