Stephen Hawking Research Paper

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Professor Stephen William Hawking, a british physicist who made made tremendous progress and discoveries within the science industry (Physics and Cosmology), shined a big light on black holes and they way they worked. During his life, he was the author of about 15 famous science literature books including, A Brief History of Time. He also starred in a documentary type movie about his life called, The Theory of Everything. Stephen Hawking was born January 8,1942 in Oxford, England (United Kingdom). Sadly, he died March 14, 2018 in Cambridge, England. Through my research, I've recently found out that at the age of 21 Hawking severely suffered from ALS or Lou Gehrig's Disease, with the doctors giving him an estimate of two and a half years to live. He started to notice the symptoms when he was attending school, watching how his body started to lag to the slurring of his speech. This disease was causing the nerves that controlled the muscles within the body to permanently shut down. In 1952, Hawking attend University College, Oxford to study mathematics, but the college didn't offer it so he decided to study Physics. Stephen attended the Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics at the University of Cambridge in 1962, to pursue research in cosmology. Hawking received his PhD with his thesis …show more content…

The two educated young men began working together to expand upon Penrose’s work, setting Hawking on a career course that would reshaped the way the world thinks about black holes and the universe; making legendary history. Hawking’s findings contributes to science today by inspiring those young and old to continue to research in order to add to Hawking’s ideas. This allows for many who are fascinated or who may be space fanatics to continue searching for

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