A True Hero: Stephen Hawking As An Epic Hero

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A Real Life Epic Hero What is an epic hero? The prince that saves the day in a favorite childhood fairytale? Are they all make believe? Or can they be in our society influencing us every day? An epic hero can be make believe in a story or a real person that is read about and looked up to. They are admired for great achievements or affected by grand events admired for great achievements or affected by grand events. Stephen Hawking is a real life epic hero that has changed our world through his heroic actions. Stephen Hawking embodies the characteristics of an epic hero by fighting as a great warrior, acting as a national hero, and demonstrating deeds of great strength and courage. Stephen Hawking is recognized as a great warrior because though he did not physically battle, he fought against his odds to become one of the most highly regarded scientist of our time. Even with immense odds stacked against him, Hawking has managed to write many books on the subjects of space and gravity, and physics theory as well as uncover groundbreaking work with black holes and relativity. Though he continued to strive and grow in his research he was at constant war with his illness: “As physical control over his body …show more content…

Stephen Hawking is recognized as a great warrior because though he did not physically battle, he fought against his odds to become one of the most highly regarded scientist of our time. He demonstrates great deeds of strength and courage though being a great warrior and fighting his ALS. Though his astronomical discoveries, Hawking has become a national hero by inspiring the world and changing the course of physics. A hero is a person who is admired for their courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities, and throughout his life Stephen Hawking has embodied these

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