Stem Cell Research Persuasive Speech

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Stem Cell Research
Stem Cell transplants have the potential to cure diseases and save lives, but not if their illegal. Stem cells are cells derived from embryos or adult tissue that can divide and renew themselves for long periods. It should remain legal and be funded by the government. Stem cell research could cure diseases, lead to further innovations in science such as cloning, and despite some moral opposition researchers are confident this can all be done ethically.
First of all stem cell transplants could lead to life saving cures and operations. Researchers say it has the potential to cure strokes, respiratory disease, diabetes, neurological disorders, spinal cord injuries, some birth defects, some types of cancer, and cardiovascular diseases. Bret Hoekema is a man living with hodgkin's lymphoma (a cancer that attacks cells in the immune system). In 2013 Hoekema had a Stem Cell Transplant and has been cancer free since. In a post on his blog, Hoechemo, Bret wrote to his donor, “you are my hero. You are my perfect match. My ten-out-of-ten. And from now on I want you to imagine what your simple gift has the power to accomplish in my life. I want you to imagine, what I can finally …show more content…

The embryos are fertilized eggs that are usually 4-5 days old, at this point they are non-thinking and non-feeling. But this ties into the question of when human life begins and the abortion debate, with many people saying that it is murder to be using the embryos. But the embryos are not a baby, they are a cluster of cells that had not attached to the uterus. “These cells can be manipulated to produce any type of human cell for use in research and development of potential treatments for diseases.” Researchers are always looking for alternatives but adult stem cells are less versatile. They are always donated with informed consent so the woman knows what will happen with

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