Stem Cell Informative Speech Outline

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Man I got some stuff that would make you live longer , But if not your life going be crazy for the rest of your life!!!!
Stem cells are beneficial cause it’s use to help people life out , that may be on a short living term…..
Stem cells can help you live longer life’s…
2) Develop your argument
1) The stem cells therapy can also be a course of action which can be used to save the existing life?
A) One day last mouth a kid in SAN FRANCISCO , the doctors for the first time transplanted stem cell fetuses into his head..
B) Doctors don’t know if the neural stem cells taken from fetuses , by women aborting early – stage pregnancies….
C) But the boy has recovered from his 8 hour surgery to be returned to his home Friday…
2) …show more content…

A) Adult stem cells exist throughout the body after development , and they are found inside of different types of

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