Should Stem Cells Be Used In Medical Research Essay

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Are stem cells ethical to use in medical research? The most basic cells in the human body are stem cells. Because doctors use stem cells for medical treatment of chronic ailments, stem cells play an important role in human medical research. However, despite the benefits of stem cells in medical treatment, controversy surrounds the methods employed to obtain them. Should researchers continue to use stem cells?

Stem cells are the building blocks of the human body. Embryos consist of unspecialized stem cells that transform into the various specialized cells in the body such as cardiac, muscle or bone cells. Fetuses also have stem cells. However, the stem cells are divided into types like muscle, bone or nerves and don't perform a specialized function. Surprisingly, adult bodies also contain stem cells. In adults, stem cells are undifferentiated but limited to specific tissue type. When needed, the stem cells transform into the cells needed for repair and maintenance. The most common source of adult stem cells is bone marrow. Researchers also acquire stem cells from umbilical cords. Without stem cells, embryos could not develop into fetuses and adult …show more content…

Medical researchers utilize this versatility to develop treatments for incurable diseases. Despite the considerable benefits of stem cells in medical applications, the use of some sources of stem cells is not ethical. In article 1761 of the Catholic Catechism, the church teaches "One may not do evil so that good may result from it.” The good of medical discoveries does not justify the evil of killing to obtain the stem cells. Therefore, people have a moral obligation to restrict the use of ethically collected stem cells such as those from umbilical cords or adult bone marrow. Stem cell research has potential to cure many diseases. However, in order to conduct ethical research, scientists must limit refrain from using fetal and embryonic stem

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