Statue Of Liberty Island

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Now that it had been years since I’ve come to this land, it’s about time that I span out and expand into a new thriving environment. Originating from Italy, there wasn’t much that I could do and learn about. Other than what I was taught about the basics. I can recall a distant memory when I was coming into the port passing what they called Liberty Island, I observed the Statue of Liberty standing there almost giving me a warm salutation as I passed by welcoming me to my new found home. I can still remember stepping off this smelly ship and being directed into a “staging” area as if I was in a herd and getting checked in be slaughtered. As I passed through the doors of the processing center at Ellis Island I felt a sense of scrutiny from those …show more content…

On my way home I felt a sense of happiness but as well as reluctant in others. Later I was informed that the people out front were yelling, because of a strike against the company. I found myself meditating on what I would have done, I know I need a place to work and I need income but if they are claiming unfair conditions then I don’t know what I would do. I felt as if I just needed to “fake it until I make it” to make sure I was taken care of. The next day was a new beginning to my new job. Before I could even get a lay of the place I was thrown to work and forced to do a job with little to no training I had no idea what I needed to get done. Blessed I was that day because the nice person next to me was able to quickly guide me through on how to operate the stove and the general work. Shortly after learning as much as I could retain, I was sure if I should take the initiative to take a lunch break or even a break to relax. Unfortunately, 11 hours later the head boss came to tell us to go home and that was the end of it. I tried not to focus on the strike as much. I needed to take care of myself first, by any …show more content…

Today is my birthday and I am still in this miserable place. My mother and father spoke about traveling to this new land across the big open water and that we could start us a new future. That I would have the ability for a better life, I was lied to. Cramped on the small ship, I remember feeling like packed sardines and couldn’t wait to get off. Sadly several of the people near us didn’t make it. So many deaths and decomposing bodies all over. We had limited rations of food and water, many of which fought for more, many starved or died of dehydration. I almost feel though that conditions aboard that ship was better than the treatment I received once we landed and were forced ashore. I desperately sought after the answer to why we initially came to this retched place in the first place. I can still hear my father yelling through the house about this so-called “American Dream”. It was so hard to see my father so attached to his dream and he was determined to make it come alive. The thought of freedom and to flee from the conditions in China gave us all hopes of a new life in a new world and so we all wanted this “American Dream.” That dream was quickly threaten when we came ashore. Still remembering the very same day touching China soil, my sister Delude and I being ripped away from our parents and thrown into the back of a truck and hauled away. It’s been more than 4

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