Starburst Rock Cycle Essay

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This lesson is called the starburst rock cycle. We found this source on The big ideas that connected to this lesson were the rock cycle and that rocks can fall under three categories, igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic. This lesson focused mainly on the sedimentary rock. The key concepts in this lesson were that sedimentary rocks are formed over a long period of time with the help of pressure put on them by the earth, different types of sediment make up a sedimentary rock, models can be used to represent the components and materials that make up a sedimentary rock, and finally students will understand that sedimentary rocks can be found all around us if we just take a closer look. The Pennsylvania standards that were covered in this lesson were S3.A3.2.1: Identify what models represent, S3.D.1.1.1: Recognize that rock is composed of different kinds of materials, S3.D.1.1.2: Describe the composition of soil as weathered rock and decomposed organic material. …show more content…

The first misconception, that all rocks are formed the same and are composed of the same materials was put to rest when we explained to students that sedimentary rocks are formed from by pressure and time and are made up of many types of materials such as mud, sand, pebbles, bones, etc. This became more concrete for the students when we had them create their own rock out of different sediments (starbust and sour patch kids). This also put to rest the other misconception that the streaks on the rock are just its color and nothing else. The students realized by applying pressure to the starburst and having it form into one that the streaks were the result of the different sediments forming

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