Star Wars A New Hope Essay

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Star Wars: A New Hope
I watched the movie Star Wars : A New Hope. Although most of the movie was set in “a galaxy far far away” the setting still had some similarities to the Milky Way. For example, there is a sun like similar to our own, moons that revolve around planets, and also water (a necessary resource for all currently known life). But Star Wars also supports the ideas of advanced manned space travel and also different species living throughout space. Space travel in A New Hope is accomplished by something called “hyper drive”. Basically it is a feature of a spacecraft that allows it to travel at the speed of light. The coordinates are put into the spacecraft and then it speeds up to light speed. Then once it reaches the destination …show more content…

There are two scenes in the movie that demonstrate people eating or drinking. The first is when Luke goes to eat dinner with his his Uncle and Aunt. He seems to be drinking water and they’re having dinner so they are obviously eating as well. The movie did not specifically mention the type of food that they were having but I would assume that it would be different than the food on Earth especially because Tatooine was such a dry and desert-like planet. Soil, or more likely sand, would not be very good for growing crops. It also probably rains less (or not at all) than here on Earth but the rain may not even be …show more content…

Tatooine is the setting at the beginning of the movie. The planet is very dry, sandy, and was described as “sun-scorched.” Which could mean that it either had a weak atmosphere or a close proximity to the sun which would both account for heavy and or frequent solar flares. However, the planet does have some rocky and mountainous areas that provide some shade and probably a cooler temperature. As far as its location in the galaxy, Luke says, “Well if there’s a bright center to the universe, you’re on the planet that it’s farthest from.” This could be him expressing his feelings about his home or it could be about its location and distance from the galactic center. The second planet mentioned is Alderaan. Alderaan is a planet which was blown up during the course of the movie but outside sources tell about its characteristics. According to the same fan site referenced earlier, Aleran was a beautiful planet. The planet had large bodies of water, snowy mountain regions, as well as a good place for crops. The planet seemed very similar to Earth in terms of its appearance and

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