Star Wars

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Today is Star Wars Day, an unoffical holiday that celebrates the Star Wars franchise. With the announcement of a new Star Wars cast and a release date, it seems that everyone is looking forward to the future of the series and re-looking at the past Space opera. With the new information about the upcoming Star Wars film, Disney attraction and things and the numerous stories of the expanded universe, it is hard not to get interested in this imaginative series. So on May 4th, watch the film or the animated series and just have fun. May the Fourth be With you.
Star Wars: A New Hope premiered in 1977 and was soon followed by The Empire Strikes Back (1980) and Return of the Jedi (1983). It starred Mark Hamill as Jedi Luke Skywalker, Princess Leia Organa and Harrison Ford playing Han Solo. In addition, the original cast featured Peter Mayhew as wookie Chewbacca, droids R2D2 (Kenny Baker) and C3PIO (Anthony Daniels). The Original Trilogy captured the hearts and imagination of many as viewers watched how the heroes fought and won against Darth Vader.
The Prequel Triology explained the backround of the formidable Sith Lord, starting from his childhood in The Phantom Menace (1999). It introduced characters Obi Wan Kenobi (played by Ewan McGregor in the Prequel, Alec Guinnes in the Original), Padme Amidala (Natalie Portman) and the little boy who would become Darth Vader, Anakin Skywalker (played by Jake Llyod). Later, in 2002 Star Wars II: Attack of the Clones would further explain Anakin's turn to the darkside until his final transformation into Darth Vader in Star Wars III: Revenge of the Sith (2005).
In 1987, Tomorrowland premiered the Star Wars-themed attraction, Star Tours. This motion simulator ride took Disney guests into the far ...

... middle of paper ... the same. There is even the notorious Star Wars Holiday Special which has only been aired once and features the original cast.
In 2012, Disney bought Lucasfilms at $4.06 billion dollars. With the acquisition, plans were being set in place for new projects involving the Star Wars series. According to the article How Disney Bought Lucasfilm-and Its Plans For Star Wars by Devin Leonard, "Disney sent excitable Star Wars fans into a frenzy by unveiling a plan to release the long-promised final trilogy starting in 2015." Now with the announcement of this new film with a tentative premiere date in 2015, there is some casting news. In addition to the original trilogy Star Wars actors such as Mark Hamill and Harrison Ford returning, new faces have been added such as John Boyega, Daisy Ridley, Adam Driver, Oscar Isaac, Andy Serkis, Domhnall Gleeson, and Max von Sydow.

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