Staph Research Paper

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Staph was discovered in the 1860 by a Scottish surgeon named Sir Alexander Ogston. He worked on wounds and surgery and put carbolic acid on the wound after surgery to keep it getting infected. In the year 1881 there are two kinds of staph infections you can either see yellow grapes or white grapes. In 1941 eighty-one percent of the patients died that year from staph infections and In 1940s the penicillin stopped curing staph infections because it came resistant penicillin. In 1961 MRSA was detected in a British hospital it is a staph infection that no medicine can cure. The scientific word for a staph infection is staphylococcus aureus. In Greek staphylo means cluster or bunch of grapes, the word coccus is a round bacterium, and aureus is a Latin word for gold. Sir Alexander Ogston name the infection this because, when you look under a microscope it looks like a cluster of grapes on a vine. When doctors go look under the microscope they use test gram stain to see what kind of staph infection you have. …show more content…

You can get a staph infection by direct contact. For most people staph infection just gets into the skin by a scratch. A staph infection looks like a spider bite at first. Then it starts to get bigger and could form a boil or can form a scalded skin syndrome. A staph infection can be much worse if you get it inside the body. It can cause back pain, limps, and bone pain. You can also get a staph infection in your lungs it a form of pneumonia. This is very fatal in about fifty percent of the cases. Staph infections can cause more extensions of disease like toxic shock syndrome, skin infections, gastroenteritis, and thrombophlebitis all of those could potentially lead to

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