Necrotizing Fasciitis Essay

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Necrotizing fasciitis is a bacterial infection that is very serious and sometimes fatal. This disease spreads very quickly and destroys soft tissue in your body. This disease is caused by multiple bacteria: group A strep, E.coli, Klebsiella (causes pneumonia), Clostridium (causes diarrhea), Staphylococcus (causes staph infections), and Aeromonas hydrophila (causes diseases in almost all organisms, hard to resist). The bacteria group A strep is the leading cause for necrotizing fasciitis. One of the ways to get necrotizing fasciitis is to have the bacteria get into your body through a cut on your body. This is how the majority of people get necrotizing fasciitis. It can be just a papercut, but if you do not take care of it, you could have severe consequences. You are also more likely and at risk to get necrotizing fasciitis if your body does not have a strong immune system. There are many different symptoms of necrotizing fasciitis. They start as a regular cut, but end up being much worse. The symptoms are pain, swelling, soreness, become red or purple, sores, blisters, black spots, fever, chills, being tired, throwing up, and a lot of pain that is out of proportion for the injury. Since there are many other illnesses and diseases with these symptoms, many people wait to go to the doctor. Waiting only makes it worse. To treat necrotizing fasciitis, you need to go to have surgery to remove the infected area. You will be given antibiotics first, to slow down the bacterial toxins from decaying tissue faster. Surgery is the best way to ensure that the disease is gone, because having surgery to remove the infected area will completely get rid of the disease. The surgery only works if you see your doctor as soon as you think that you ... ... middle of paper ... ... Necrotizing fasciitis is rare, but is becoming more common. It is also very destructive to your body. Necrotizing fasciitis is found everywhere. Since it is caused by a bacteria (or multiple bacteria), if you or a place has that bacteria, you have the chance of getting necrotizing fasciitis. Most people already have multiple bacteria that cause it living in them, or it exists in the location. Sometimes, organisms living in water have caused necrotizing fasciitis, but this is super rare. Necrotizing fasciitis has started to become more common, for unknown reasons. There is no vaccine for this disease either, so you have to take care of cuts to try and prevent it. More males than females get necrotizing fasciitis- a ratio of three to one (3:1). Necrotizing fasciitis means “causing death of tissues”, which is exactly what happens if you have necrotizing fasciitis.

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