Sports Microcosm

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1. In what ways, do sport and physical activity serve as a microcosm of society? (Chapter 1)

Sport and physical activity serves as a microcosm of society in many ways. Mirroring the values and beliefs of a cultural group, they reinforce what we are committed to as a society. For example, chapter one references values that are specific to the American culture: Success, Competition, Values Means to Achieve, Progress, Materialism, and External Conformity (Cunningham & Singer, 2002). Not only does sport and physical activity reaffirm our values, it also reaffirms our beliefs on gender, race, and class; which the readings points to as a need for change (Cunningham & Singer). So both sport an physical activity serve as a microcosm in many ways, …show more content…

Which of the theories reviewed in Chapter 2 did you most closely identify and why? Similarly, which of the theories reviewed in Chapter 2 did you most disagree and why?

Of the theories discussed in chapter two, I most closely identify with is the interactionist theory. I have chosen this theory because I truly believe in the power of sport and the influence it has on the building of character within a person. Personally speaking, I have seen how sport and physical activity can serve as a foundation for the values and beliefs I carry on a day to day basis. These aspects and my learnings from sport are surely having an influence on how I intereact with my social environment.

The theory I most disagree with would be the functionlaust theory. I disagree with this theory because of the lack of attention to the dispairities that are present in sport. Highlighting more of the positive side of sport, and not speaking on how sport is a driving factor on perpetuating a lot of our societies imbalances.

3. In thinking about your experiences as a sport participant, consumer, and/or professional at various levels of sport (i.e., informal, organized, and corporate), what are some examples of ethical dilemmas you have faced, and how did you deal with them? (Chapter …show more content…

As part of the camp, a preason tournament was held to analyze talent and make sure teams were relatively even across the board. However, there would be veteran coaches there who would play players that they knew were good less minutes so that that their team wouldn’t seem that good. This occurred because they knew once the preseason was over, no trades or reassignments would be made. This was difficult to deal with because in specific situation, I was a sport participant. So when we would go up against these stacked teams, we would just have to play harder in hope to grasp the

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