Speed Demon - Original Short Story

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Speed Demon - Original Short Story

It was early, but he could hack it. People were paying good money for

him to do this job and he was going to make damn sure that he did it

right. The morning dew glistened on his track, and a hazy evanescence

could be seen arising from the cold, hard tarmac.

He had just completed a previous lap of this, his, circuit, he owned

that circuit, it was his, and he made sure that it was his by beating

off any rivals who even dared to try and complete it. Waiting…waiting…

He was ready.

The huge behemoth that was his combustion engine waited, guzzling up

diesel as if there was no such thing as the greenhouse effect. His

V-12, twin-turbine engine gave off an almost deafening growl. What it

lacked in manoeuvrability it made up for in pure power. His hand

twitched, his hand reached coolly for the cold hard shaft that was his

gear stick, he was keeping the nervousness he felt inside of him as if

he were a world-class poker player. He was ready.

The light cycle started - red. He had been waiting for this moment for

what had seen to be an age. Amber. Glistening, a droplet of sweat

condescended down his forehead, finally resting upon his brow. Green.

The wheels tore away, as if circular saws with the way that they

ripped apart the road from underneath all eight of them. A split

second was all that was needed for him to change from first to second

gear. He ploughed along the slightly downhill straight, eating up the

roads often-dirty roads like it was a cat high on catnip.

The swoop from second to third gear was immense and as he became more

settled he wondered about, and mocked, the people he had once attended

secondary school with. People who would rather than go out and earn a

living decided to go to college. He smirked to himself as he thought

of them stuck, stranded in their sweaty, stuffy classrooms learning

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