Role Of Fight Against Corruption Essay

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SAURAV KUMAR M – 14 – 13
Fight Against Corruption: Role of Youth
In today’s world, the modern society is suffering from a disease known as “corruption”. In simple words “corruption” is misuse of power to fulfil personal interest. It is a phenomenon which is observed all over the world. Nowadays corruption has become very rampant and it has diffused its influence in every sphere of life i.e. politics, business, sports, healthcare, education and many more. Corruption is not new to us, it has been prevalent in our society since the historic times. The degradation of the erstwhile Roman Empire was one of the consequence of rampant corruption. In today’s context corruption has become a matter of universal concern, as it is affecting the citizen of the globe.
Corruption has also engulfed our country “India”. According to Transparency International, India ranked 85th most corrupt country among 175 countries analysed for the year 2014. One of the biggest ill effect of this contamination is that, it hampers development. Due to corruption, the wealth is not properly distributed. The fund released by the government for development purpose is not reaching to the ground level people and obstructing the nation’s growth in a very adverse manner and thereby affecting the people of our country. In India, I am pretty sure that everyone has experienced “corruption” at one level or the other. In our country, a new born …show more content…

Therefore, this disease “corruption” can also be cured by an antidote known as “youth”. The word “youth” which is used here symbolises the young generation of people who will rule the world tomorrow. Generally it has been observed that young people are physically stronger than their elder ones and they can fight well physically. Therefore same thing is expected from them when it comes to fight against corruption. The youth of every nation has to think and work towards eradication of corruption from the

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