Speed Bumps Essay

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The literature review on road bumps encompasses a wide array of enquiries on the development of speed bump systems that can respond instantaneously to traffic conditions. Speed bumps are raised sections of roadway designed to limit the speed of motor vehicles. They are four meters long, between 76 to 100 millimeters high, and can cover all or a portion of the width of a roadway. A speed bump works by transferring an upward force to a vehicle, and its occupants, as it traverses the bump. The force induces a front-to-back pitching acceleration in vehicles. The acceleration decreases with higher speeds due to absorption of the impact by the vehicle suspension.[1] Various researches have been done on speed bump covering the criteria or the guidelines for the geometrical bump designs, optimization for the designs, effectiveness of the bump, variation of the speed over bump, factors which influence bump designs, etc. For a bump design a definite procedure has to be followed and to have this guideline a study was done by Sahoo P.K.(2009)[2] where a computer model was developed to simulate between geometric characteristics of speed bumps and the speed of the automobiles. On the basis of the research the steps were; first select particular design 85th percentile bump-crossing speed then find out the required A/W ratio from a suitable equation then by choosing a bump shape: circular, parabolic surface profiles to be used, a bump width and compute bump height that satisfying the A/W ratio bump height is to be obtained and its permissibility is to be checked. Based on the observation obtained from the survey done, Bump-crossing speed was predicted based on area to width ratio using different geometric designs of the speed bump and the result... ... middle of paper ... ...mps built throughout the triangle Yaounde-Douala-Yaounde-Bafoussam regarding the problems faced both in terms of design materials used, and the location of traffic signing. The basic intension was to draw the attention of the authority regarding the problem faced due to improper maintenance in speed bumps. Study was done by traversing the triangle and collecting the field data to identify each retarder by its location, type, geometry. In this study, 310 speed bumps were identified basically of four types: soundtrack, speed bumps, trapezoidal and tray. Out of which 288 had problems of material design and signaling. Over 50% of asphalt concrete materials were either collapsed or the road to the launch of these is padded. Over 70% was not up to the respective standard dimensions. 62% of the problems with speed bumps were due either to the absence of signs or bad signs.

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