Spectacular Now Thesis

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Life can be tricky, balancing living in the now and preparing for the future, while remembering the past is distressing, but it’s what people strive for in life. In today’s society, many people either imagine the imminent future or reminisce about the past, but on rare occasions, there are individuals who can live in the moment. The Spectacular Now is a coming-of-age movie, which embodies two teenagers who come together to bring out the best in each other. The Spectacular Now is truly intoxicating to watch with an amazing story-line, award-winning cast members, and the normalness of being a teenager. This movie embraces alcoholism, family struggles, and the awkwardness of a first love. In the opening moments of The Spectacular Now, 17-year-old Sutter Keely is trying to use his charm and …show more content…

She is a straight A student, who is sweet and attractive, but not in a noticeable way. She isn’t involved in the social scene and has a habit of thinking she’s not worth anything. The world can stomp right over her, including her mom who could ruin her daughter's dream of going to college. Sutter intends to change all of this in the weeks before graduation. As he casually takes her to parties, she tutors him in geometry, and asks her to prom, she falls for him. Much to Sutter's surprise, he begins to fall for her as well. Maybe it was Aimee helping him focus on the future or him helping Aimee discover herself. No one knows, but it will be the love of a lifetime. Aimee goes with Sutter to reconnect with his father. When they get there they realize his father is a low-life disappointment, who can’t stay sober. Sutter can’t cope and breaks it off with Aimee, his good-natured irresponsibility seems like a victimless act, but it threatens to push him and Aimee toward the wrong

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