Sparta Dbq Analysis

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Sparta was known for being strong, but was it really? In case you don’t know, Sparta was a Greek city-state. Sparta only focused on war. Spartans were only taught the basics of other topics. Spartans were trained for 13 years just to fight. Reading and writing were only taught in Sparta for practical reasons. The strengths didn’t outweigh the weaknesses. There were more weaknesses to Sparta than there were strengths. The strengths of Sparta didn’t outweigh the weaknesses for three reasons. The first reason is that the babies were killed just if they looked weak. The second reason is that the Spartans barely new anything about other topics (math, reading, writing, etc). The third and final reason is that the helots outnumbered the Spartans 50 to 1. …show more content…

My evidence is that the babies were tested if they were weak by putting them in wine. If they died, they were weak (Doc A and Google). My argument is that the evidence states that the strengths didn’t outweigh the weaknesses because drowning babies in wine could mess up their brains (if they lived) and it could kill them, even though they could end up being a great general or soldier. It also would make it hard for the population to go up (especially with all of them dying at war). A second reason that the strengths of Sparta didn’t outweigh the weaknesses is that the Spartans barely knew anything about other topics. My evidence is that the text states that the Spartans were only taught the basics of other topics and taught only about war for 13 years (Doc A and B). My argument is that this evidence helps explain why the strengths of Spartan education didn’t outweigh the weaknesses because Spartans were only really taught about war. This meant that the Spartans were really dumb at other topics. Also, this meant they could barely communicate with people and/or calculate

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