Sophomore Internship

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I am writing to apply for the dbAchieve Sophomore Internship program in Cary, NC. As a Computer Science and English major at UNC Chapel Hill, I am very interested in the intersections between innovation, business, and culture. Deutsche’s program is one of the best examples of this intersection. By providing an internship that emphases inclusion, globalism, and diversity, as well as delivering a world class training in new and innovative technology, Deutsche exemplifies exactly what I desire out of my internship experience. Learning about other cultures and communities has been a constant drive for why I do things throughout my life. When I was in elementary school, my best friend was my neighbor Janice. Her parents immigrated to the U.S. from China when she was younger and owned the local Chinese restaurant. Her parents would tell me stories about their life back in China, stories of the underground churches they ran and what it was like growing up there. I remember her mom made me special “training wheel” chop sticks when we would go to their restaurant …show more content…

Globalism is a driving part in my life. It has led me to travel and volunteer in other countries. It has led me to work with International Justice Mission, which rescues humans trapped in modern day slavery throughout our world. This same motivation directed me towards choosing Chapel Hill over other universities, as it presented the opportunity to learn and work with those who have had different experiences in life. Working and living with a diverse people group has given me the opportunity to question my own way of doing things and challenge my thinking and beliefs. Additionally, diversity in the classroom and at work administers greater innovation and productivity, as each individual’s background brings unique skills and traits developed from their

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