Some Of The Differences Between Cloud And Cloud Computing

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Some of the differences between Cloud and Autonomic computing are as follows:
a. Cloud Computing is more of a virtual computing interface, in which the environment where users work is not actually connected to a single machine. Cloud Computing involves the leasing of computing infrastructure and software via the internet, so that the virtual environment is completely maintained at a remote location. The users do not know where the infrastructure is or the paths their data takes. Because, of this, Cloud computing allows for greater accessibility, since users do not have to understand the tools and programs that create the interface whereas in Autonomic computing, at its most basic level, requires an understanding of the infrastructure …show more content…

b) Both computing types involve multitenancy and multitask. This means many customers can perform different tasks by accessing a single or multiple instances of resources. Sharing resources help in reducing peak load capacity [32].
c) Cloud and Grid Computing provide services level agreements for guaranteed uptime availability. If the service slides down from the level of guaranteed uptime service, the consumer gets service credit [32]. …show more content…

b) Major difference between Grid and Cloud computing is Grid systems are architected in the manner such that individual user requests can consume large fraction of the total resource pool and Cloud systems often limit the size of an individual request to be tiny fraction of the total available capacity. The focus of Cloud computing is to support large number of users and the focus of grid computing is to allocate maximum amount of resources to handle single request from user in order to finish the task in minimum amount of time.
c) Cloud Computing gives good efficiency even for small service. Ex: Amazon S3 provides services for storage and retrieval of data in the Cloud. Data as small as 1 byte and as large as 5 GB or even more can be stored in Cloud servers. But, the storage service in Grid computing is well suited for data-intensive storage. Storing as small as 1 byte in data grid is not economically suited. The amount of data must be large for maximum benefit

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