week 2

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To understand how cloud computing can be of value to an organization, it is important to us that we understand the cloud and its components. There are three different types of cloud computing services referred to as Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Software as a Service (SaaS) and Platform as a Service (PaaS). IaaS delivers cloud computing infrastructure servers, storage, network and operating systems as an on-demand service. SaaS is about software deploying over the Internet. PaaS allows a creation of web applications without the complexity of buying and maintaining the software and infrastructure. In this paper, I will suggest that Innovartus Technology Inc should use IaaS as a replacement for PaaS because IaaS is a rapidly developing field with resources such as better services, cost variability, utility pricing model and dynamic scaling.
Instead of purchasing infrastructure equipment, companies can buy resources as a fully outsourced service on demand by using IaaS cloud computing. According to Kepes, some sub-categories are worth noting for IaaS as it is as public that consists of shared resources, deployed on a self-service basis over the Internet (Kepes, 2013). For example, Amazon is one of the largest IaaS providers. The line between PaaS and IaaS is becoming more blurred as vendors introduce tools as part of IaaS helps deploying multiple types of clouds. Kepes stated that moving to cloud infrastructure has given him more peace of mind where his company had a part-time systems administrator working on their sites. The systems administrators will make minor changes as they see fit and respond to any downtime within minutes to fix the problem.
Economies of scales and utility-based pricing model are two IaaS' cost saving...

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... dynamic scaling, cost variability and utility pricing model. Instead of purchasing infrastructure equipment, companies can buy resources as a fully outsourced service on demand by using IaaS cloud computing. IaaS also offer two cost savings of the cloud computing for Innovartus Technology, economies of scales and utility-based pricing model. Finally, like PaaS, but IaaS offers better services for software development and focuses on workflow management regardless of the data source used for the application.

Kepes, Ben. October 22, 2013. Understanding the Cloud Computing Stack: SaaS, PaaS, and IaaS. Retrieved on November 21, 2013 from http://www.rackspace.com/knowledge_center/whitepaper/understanding-the-cloud-computing-stack-saas-paas-iaas
Carr, Nicholas G. The big switch: rewiring the world, from Edison to Google. New York: W.W. Norton & Co., 2008.

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