Solution Focused Therapy Paper

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Solution Focused Therapy focuses on the future and goals a client has identified for themselves. This approach to psychotherapy is based on solution-building rather than problem-solving. Questions are utilized in this therapy as a way to identify expectations, solutions and scale to measure a client’s progress in therapy. This type of therapy can also reveal certain behaviors needed in order to work towards solution. It’s important for a therapist to know their role in the Solution Focused process. Therapist should stay focus on the clients present and the future rather than the past. Focusing on the cause of problems has clients stuck on their problems and helpless. It’s important for therapist not to force a client to something they aren’t …show more content…

The main one that was utilized often is referred to as the miracle question technique. This question encourages people to stop thinking about why they cannot achieve something and instead imagine how their lives could be if a miracle occurred. This helps them to view life very differently and takes the focus off the cause of their problems and more on the solution. This technique is beneficial and seems to be very popular in therapy sessions. It highlights what the clients ultimately wants realistically. As a therapist I would definitely consider this technique if I was centering my session around solution focus approaches. Miracle questions allow clients to think about realistic steps that will help them form a different way of living. In the third video the therapist asked a miracle question referring the young man’s mom and how he sees their relationship in the future. He was also asked what were the exact steps he will take to improve their relationship and achieve his …show more content…

This approach emphasis the positive attributes and strengths in clients. Solution-focused therapy has been found successful in helping in a variety of people, including couples, families and children. This is a brief approach and it utilized effectively it can embrace change and have a goal-orientated mind-set, as clients are often more responsive to therapy techniques. Although Solution Focused Therapy have been known to be effective, there are some disadvantage to using this approach. Some feel that this method doesn’t address a client’s mental issue appropriately. It is important that therapist realize that client’s problems may be so serious were it prevents them from changing. In this case another therapeutic approach must be

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