Soldiers Embraced

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Soldiers and Families Embraced, S.A.F.E., is a non-profit agency that provides service to military members and their families. They are a resource for the community that helps to ease the readjustment and reintegration of military members returning from war and their families, as well as veterans from previous eras. In December of 2011 the Lazarus project merged with S.A.F.E. The founder started the S.A.F.E. program when she realized that there was a growing need for students who were connected to the military because of the stress of the war in Afghanistan and Iraq. As soldiers began to return home rates of PTSD, alcohol and drug abuse, child abuse, domestic violence, traumatic brain injuries, and suicide began to rise. There became a sudden growing need for mental health workers. Because 20 percent of those deployed to the war came from Fort Campbell their mental health staff became very busy. This lead to clients not being seen or not getting the treatment they needed. S.A.F.E. helped and continues to help many veterans today.
S.A.F.E. provides a very unique service to military members that they cannot receive elsewhere. S.A.F.E. is completely confidential …show more content…

are responsible for doing the intake with the clients. However, before interns can lead intakes by themselves they have to go through training. The interns have to learn about the paper work, learn how to explain the paperwork, and learn how to score the needed paperwork. After that is learned they then have to watch as a supervisor leads intakes. They take notes on what she says and how she engages with the clients. Then using their supervisors notes they will learn how to put the client information into the database and how to write the notes. Interns will then start to take their own notes on the clients and once they finish the supervisor looks over them. Finally the interns lead some intakes with a supervisor watching. After the supervisor feels they are ready they are on their

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