Socs Vs Greasers

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Though the Socs and Greasers are very different from one another, they may have similar problems that they both deal with. The Greasers live in a social environment that contrasts the Socs in various ways which may affect their problems and how they live their life. The Greasers also have a reputation that is worse than the Socs which gives the Socs more advantages in life. Furthermore, the Greasers tend to focus more on working hard to earn money rather than acquiring an education like the Socs for their future lives. Despite these differences, the Socs and Greasers might have problems that both can relate to such as parental neglect, money issues, and reputational concerns.
First, the two gangs show similar issues when a few of the Socs and Greasers’ members deal with parental issues such as Johnny and Bob. In the novel it …show more content…

In the novel, Ponyboy states, “I don’t want to be a hood, but even if I don’t steal things and mug people and get boozed up, I’m marked lousy” (132). This explains why the Greasers would have many problems with their reputation because people already imagine that they are bad, untrustworthy people. Since many picture Greasers like this, they would have a hard time getting jobs and getting people to trust them. Furthermore, Ponyboy states in the book, “...half of the hoods I know are pretty decent guys underneath all that grease, and from what I’ve heard, a lot of Socs are just cold-blooded mean--but people usually go by looks” (141). This explains why Socs have more advantages than the Greaser, but this may lead to problems they will have to deal with. Because they will have more advantages, they will be encouraged to take part in any activity whether it is safe of not which might seriously injure them. In conclusion, both reputations can cause issues for both groups even if they are very different one

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