Holocaust: A Glimpse into Harrowing Inhumanity

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In 1933 the start of the Holocaust began. Six million Jews were targeted and sent to mass killing centers, also known as concentration camps. Here, the Jews were belittled and stripped of their humanity. Clothing, shelter, and food were all limited to none. The prisoners would be forced to do hard physical labor, just to be murdered later or to be treated so poorly that they would want to be dead. Torture and death within concentration camps were common and frequent. This event became known to be one of the biggest in history, the “Holocaust”. Innocent people were treated so unfairly, just based off their own beliefs. I can’t even begin to imagine living through something so miserable. In this picture, you notice may different aspects. The things to most …show more content…

They were examined by specialists in internal and neurological medicine. Many survivors described themselves as incapable of living life to the fullest, often barely able to perform daily basic tasks. They felt that the war and camp had changed them and that they had lost their much-needed spark to life. Investigations show that the extreme traumatization’s of the camps inflicted deep wounds that have healed very slowly, and that more than forty years later, the scars are still present. The survivors show long term consequence of the Holocaust in the form of psychological stress.
This photograph tugs on your heart strings. You can honestly feel all the suffering and torture of the everyday life that these innocent humans had to endure. Both men and women sit in this photograph, living the worst life there could possibly be. This is pure evidence of the struggles that these people were put through day in and day out for years upon years. All the starvation and being treated as if you’re not a human, must get to you. This picture proves this. I can’t even fathom the thought of ever going through such a despicable

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