Social Media Statement On Privacy

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Privacy Statement In a fast-paced world where everyone seems entwined in each other's lives, a word that has been glazed over by many, is privacy. Privacy to the average human being is a much-needed commodity and has been that way for thousands of years. To older generations privacy most likely meant a place to be alone, a place to be with yourself. A majority of today's youth and young adults are having to grow up in a world where the boundaries of privacy are pushed and blurred. Everybody knows everybody, and those "every bodies" know exactly what is going on anywhere in the world at the touch of a button. The definition of privacy has been greatly altered and we need to wake up to spot this difference. Just like technology it is evolving into more complex concepts and ideas and requires more ways to classify the word. These youth that are being raised with technology are in a sense losing their rights and privileges to privacy as walls are being broken down day after day. The formal definition of privacy comes straight from the dictionary, defined as "the …show more content…

One Forbes article gives three reasons as to why these sites collect your personal information: "advertising, content curation, and future applications." The most common way social media companies make their profits is by advertising to their users. Scattered through the hundreds of posts you see daily are the advertisements generated by what you view online. Another way they use your collected data is to make more up-to-date news feeds so the most popular posts are put at the top for everyone to view. The third way companies utilize your saved data is to store for future applications as more and more innovation occurs. After you hand over information to sign up, they have it on file forever

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