Social Media Analysis: Flowers For Algernon

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Context Throughout the past decade, social media has had major impacts on society. It has started to create a false sense of connection between the meaningful relationships we foster in the real world, and the casual relationships developed through social media. With social media playing a huge role in society, we have lost our ability to understand emotion. With the increase in technology usage, we have not been able to tell how others may be feeling; therefore, we view the person’s words wrong. Purpose and Theme My story connects to nosedive, as it is set in a futuristic year where technology has the most control over their lives and views of others. I set my story in the year 2020. In ‘Nosedive’ the community use a ‘chip’ inside of their eyes as a way to view and rate the people around them. I explored this throughout my story, but used glasses instead. This new technology became a wave of addiction that led to negative outcomes for my character Amelia, which relates to Nosedive as Lacie spirals out of control due to her addiction to technology. ‘Flowers for Algernon’ also had a heavy impact on the outcome of my story. Throughout ‘Flowers for Algernon’, Charlie is in a lonely and depressed state as he realises his friends have not fully supported his participation in the surgery. …show more content…

The intended audience for my text is mainly teenagers. Teenagers are the audience that I have aimed my text towards, as I believe that they are the most vulnerable in society when it comes to technology and addiction. Technology in society has become an addiction throughout the past decade, setting social “norms” and standards especially towards the younger generation. In my text, Amelia is a teenager that goes through and faces the impacts of society’s norms. I chose to put my main character in a teenage setting as it can relate to majority of teens that have been influenced by the growth of

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