Growing Up Tethered By Sherry Turkle

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Technology: The Impact of the Future In Sherry Turkle’s Growing Up Tethered, Turkle speaks of a term titled the collaborative self. She defines this term by telling many different stories through the lives of high school students. These students focus on this type of compulsive desire to feel socially accepted or connected. The students speak specifically about the anxiety that results from the feedback they receive or do not receive through their phones. Through Turkle’s stories, they agree that they rely on technology in order to live their lives. She speaks about young people living in a state of waiting for connection and event taking risks to stay connected, such as texting while driving. Although technology is intended to help, …show more content…

She states, “On the contrary, teenagers report discomfort when they are without their cellphones” (240). Turkle explains that without their only source of feeling connected, teenagers feel anxious and alone. Teens see technology as their only source of connection with the rest of the world. In addition, without technology, teenagers seem uncertain as to how to respond in certain situations, creating a much greater problem than just the feeling of loneliness. It affects their social skills and ability to interact with others in various surroundings. The desire to try new things and meet new people is also affected, because teens are so occupied with the social life they have created through technology. It's their comfort zone. Furthermore, in her story, Turkle expands on the term of the collaborative self. She does so when she states, “Again, technology, on its own, does not cause this new way of relating to our emotions and other people” (242). Turkle describes that technology is not to blame for the way people connect with others in the world today. She explains it is the responsibility of the individuals using the technology to use it appropriately. It is a great learning tool. However, too much technology may cause harm. It is up to the individual as to how and when to use it. For example, the internet is a great resource, but used in excess may cause more harm than good. In some …show more content…

She argues, “Now I suggest that the culture in which they develop tempts them into narcissistic ways of relating to the world” (244). The author argues that the society in which young adults grow up, reflects on their view of the world. Growing up in a technologically advanced society, teens seem ill prepared to deal with their day to day surroundings that require social interaction. Many millennials show little interest in anything dealing in the past. Instead, they are focused on the future and the next great technological advancement. Lastly, at the end of her essay, Turkle expresses the true social issues of teens due to the abundance of technology. She claims, “teenagers who will only ‘speak’ online, who rigorously avoid face-to-face encounters, who are in text connect with their parents fifteen or twenty times a day, who deem even a telephone call ‘too much’ (243). Turkle claims that there are consequences resulting on the heavy reliance of technology. Teens only speak over text and cannot even speak on the telephone, because they are too internal. Rather than speaking externally with others, teens are quiet while only communicating with themselves and over the phone. They would rather write words, than speak them. This is creating a generation of young adults who are not comfortable in normal social

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