Social Media Abstention Summary

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Abstention Summary: Giving Up Social Media For the Abstention project I chose to give up all forms of social media. This included Tumblr (my utmost favorite form of social media), Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. When deciding what I wanted to give up I decided to go with something that I thought was going to be challenging, and at first giving up social media was challenging. Before this project I had always said that I wanted to go some time without social media but never did and this abstention project gave me an reason to do just that. There are many reason that I wanted to give up social media. The main reason to give up social media was to simply live more in reality. Over the years I have noticed how “plugged in” individuals are to their phone. Individuals’ get into car wrecks scrolling through their Facebook newsfeed, walk into people, and ultimately individuals are just brainwashed as …show more content…

I don’t know what it is about giving something up that makes whatever you are giving up to the forefront of your consciousness every minute of every day but that is what happened. Starting this project launched me into social media frenzy for about a week. I thought about Facebook and Tumblr more than the others. I took the apps off my phone and then I would reinstall them and stare at the login pages. During the first week I felt stupid and thought that there was no way I was going to be able to do this. Then I remembered my motive behind wanting to give up social media and shifted my focus onto living more in the moment rather that giving up social media. When I did that social media hasn’t really been a problem for me anymore. Every now and them someone will mention what they saw on Facebook and I will think about checking mine but I don’t. What really fascinates me is all that I have accomplished the last three weeks and it is all because I started to focus on my motive behind giving up social

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