Social Justice Issues In Under The Same Moon

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A couple of social justice issues I noticed while watching Under the Same Moon would be environmental rights such as poverty. A huge factor of the film was the lack of work and opportunities which then led to poverty. Rosario had to leave Mexico in order to provide a better future for her, and her son. Although it doesn’t seem like she’s helping from the child’s point of view, she is making a huge effort and sacrifice for their own good. Even if it hurts someone sometimes the best thing one can do is take a risk and sacrifice themselves in order to actually see change. The sad thing is that if people actually stay put and hope that something will change, they’re wrong and they’re allowing themselves to fall into an illusion that’ll never work. …show more content…

is wealthy and is doing well financially. People in Mexico can work sunrise to sunset and barely make enough to feed oneself, whereas in the U.S. the hard work you do is more recognized and you’re getting paid more for it. The situation in Mexico financially is for the most part bad and for Rosario it was worse because she left, based on my own experience and seeing Mexico for myself it is a poor place, living in the U.S. is seriously a privilege and a luxury that I am always so grateful for. People in Mexico are living very poor living conditions and the movie does a good job at portraying their everyday lifestyles such as the houses showed, they’re mostly made of concrete with no doors and a ton of open spaces. There isn’t a lot of privacy in their homes as oppose to someone living in the U.S. Another issue is the lack of sanitation, many people in Mexico don’t have the luxury of a sink, shower head, toilet, laundry machine, etc. They have to boil hot water and pour it on themselves to shower, dig holes on the ground and place a bucket on top as the toilet, and hand wash their clothes and air dry them

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