Social Faux Pas: Violation Of A Social Faux Pas

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Social interaction is the foundation upon which humanity has built our language, politics, and each and every relationship we have with another being. Our communication with the world is the building block of society and has controlled the way we interact with others from the beginning of humankind. It is a straight forward psychological path that is seemingly irrelevant to the mundanity of everyday life until that path is interrupted. To do so is considered a Social Violation of the Norm, or, put simply, a Norm Violation. In this experiment, I was asked to come up with a social faux pas that was both within the guidelines of the law and generally safe for the person in violation of the norm. For my norm violation I chose to upon entering …show more content…

This entailed looking at not only of what was said in class of violating social norms, but the intriguing manifestation of norm violations occurring not just for psychological research but for social entertainment. This brought to mind not only a multitude of questions, mostly consisting of whether or not the normalcy of abnormal behavior was influenced by the behavior seen on television or not, but that perhaps with this new research I could hypothesis in what to expect from the general public in my norm violation. From what the research has exhibited the reactions of people would alter from shock, humor, or interest over the individual committing the social disturbance. I also found that it depended upon the place these actions were committed as well as the people doing them. If the individual was a woman she would most likely be a lot less excepted by the incident and the responses of the people were not only the prescribed shock but then followed by displeasure or disgust by passerby 's. However, if the individual was a man the audience or surrounding people were often more excepting of the violation and after the shock wore off people often laughed or exhibited humor in the situation. In coming to my own conclusions as this was not necessarily part of the assignment, I decided that perhaps this behavior attributed to the idea that "Boys will be Boys" and that men are the more accepted aggressive and humorous

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