Social Class And The Hidden Curriculum Of Work By Jean Anyon Analysis

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Essay 2 Applied Summary Jean Anyon is the author and creator of “Social Class and the Hidden Curriculum of Work,” which was officially published in Fall 1980 in The Journal Education. This article focuses on differences in schools of different social classes. After reading the essay and Anynon’s reflection I have some similarities from my personal education experience. The author gives the description on how teachers of different social class schools took action on their students and gives examples of each type of social class and how his research is related to the standard school education experience. In working class schools, teacher explanations were not so common and if it did it was just simple explanation and “books were available social studies work was to copy teacher’s note from board”. (Anyon). Students followed the teacher’s simple explanation, but the explanation was too effortless. This relates to me when I was in seventh grade my history teacher always made the class copy every PowerPoint slide in our notebook, so we never got to read anything from the textbooks so every time I had to do a history assignment I always felt like something was missing since we never got to use the textbooks. My …show more content…

Students had to always pay attention because if they did not they will get lost and later they will not be able to figure out problems on their own. Even though sometimes students pay attention to the teacher whenever is time to do steps students don’t know what to say so the teacher says the steps and keeps solving the problem. This was something that I had problems with in my pre-calculus class I will listen to the teacher but if I turned around the teacher was already teaching something else when this happened, and I had to solve a problem I could not do the steps correctly because I did not pay attention to the

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