Critical Analysis Of Front High School By Jonathan Kozol

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Fremont High School “Fremont High School” an essay written by Jonathan Kozol presents a high school in need of transformation and support with educational advancement. Kozol writes about the limited educational opportunities available to the students that attend this lower class institution. Kozol addresses the overcrowding of this institution and lack of consistent staffing. The purpose of Kozol 's essay is to illustrate that lack of opportunity based on social class is an active crisis in the United States educational system, whereas addressing this crisis in the essay, Kozol would hope to achieve equal opportunities available to all socioeconomic class institutions. Multiple thoughts would race through one’s mind after reading this …show more content…

Kozol addresses the horrific conditions of the institution, student’s feelings and emotions toward the lack of opportunity they feel that are not available to them, inconsistent staffing of teachers and lack of college preparation classes available to them. Students voiced their thoughts in regards to the lack of courses available, horrific school conditions with lack of bathrooms available to them. The large campus that could take up to fifteen minutes to arrive at the next class, inconsistent staff which hinder learning. Beverly Hills High School, a technical arts requirement, could be met by taking classes such as broadcast journalism, advanced computer graphics, carving and sculpture to name a few (709) compared to Fremont High offering sewing, hair dressing and life skills. It is quite apparent that the same opportunity is not available due to socioeconomic class and location of Fremont High School. The opportunities that even I was offered in small, country school are absent from Fremont High School and that in fact is distressing. One’s educational possibilities should not be limited due to socioeconomic class. All Americans should have educational opportunities readily available to

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