Social Biases Social Work

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Social biases, power and privilege are concepts that are extremely important terms that social workers come face to face with, on a daily basis. Therefore, it is of upmost importance for social workers to obtain a substantial understanding of these terms, as it will greatly assist them when approaching potential clients with a diverse background. This will be further illustrated through defining each of the terms and how they are interrelated; examining how the profession of social work itself comes from a place of white power and privilege and may affect the interaction between social workers and diverse clients; analysing the ways in which the social biases of social workers can differ from those of their clients; investigating how knowledge …show more content…

Although power and privilege are one way in which social biases are influenced and formed, there are many other ways in which social biases can be formed. Social biases can be influenced by things like cultural background, social positioning, personal experiences and values and powerful forces like the media, which hold a significant amount of influential power (CPTC 2013). It is important for social workers to acknowledge how social biases are formed, because by obtaining this prior knowledge, social workers can understand the need to put their own social biases aside when engaging with clients of a different background, because their personal social biases could surface and result in unintentionally offending the client. With this being said, it is important for social workers to keep in mind that their clients will also have their own personal social biases, which could affect their ability to work with social workers cooperatively. For example, social biases can result in things like social exclusion, bullying and unemployment, due to being denied work because of the culture they are a part of. Therefore, although social workers might potentially see themselves as normal middle class working citizens, to a person experiencing poverty due …show more content…

The National Association of Social Workers (NASW) defines cultural competence as, “a process where individuals and systems respond respectively and effectively to people of all cultures, languages, races and other diversity factors in a manner that recognises and values the worth of individuals, families and communities; therefore, protecting and preserving the dignity of each (NASW 2003).” In order to exercise cultural competence, it is important for social workers to be aware of the various social biases surrounding particular cultures and cultural practices. For example, some people perceive particular cultural practices and values as ones that, “subjugate women, oppress people based on their sexual orientation and value the use of corporal punishment (NASW 2003).” Another example that can be used to illustrate some of the social biases formed around different cultures is the burka, which can be perceived as a cultural practice that oppresses women and places men in an overpowering position. However, Muslims perceive the burka as a symbol of religious obligation that they abide by as a form of respect to their religion and culture, rather than a symbol of oppression. This example illustrates how some social biases can position particular religious customs and practices in a negative light; therefore, social

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