Social, Artistic, And Realistics Of The Kuder Journey

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I took several assessments on Kuder Journey. These assessments are designed to help ascertain individual career interests, work values, and skill confidence. The site compiles short and long reports on your results based on the answers you provide for the three separate assessments. For my career interests, my results were Social, Artistic, and Realistic. I scored equally high in Social and Artistic, and Realistic was the next highest result. The site defines Social as “Interest in working with people - to help them with educational, physical, or mental health needs”, Artistic as “Interest in creating or performing something related to art, music, drama, and other art forms.”, and Realistic as “Interest in working with objects, tools, and machines …show more content…

Each of these results has multiple bulleted characteristics. One of the characteristics is “Likes activities that require working with people to teach them or help them in some way”, and another is “Enjoys the satisfaction of feeling good about helping others”. Both of these characteristics are true of me, and both of them are positive characteristics for teaching English as a foreign language. Enjoying working with people to teach them or help them is obviously a key to teaching any subject, especially when one is teaching a foreign language. Getting satisfaction from feeling good about helping others is beneficial because it is important and general and to me to have a rewarding, fulfilling career, and what with teaching English as a foreign language involving helping others, there is much fulfillment to be had for a person with this and these characteristic(s). However, there were also negative Personality Report characteristics that I feel clash with TEFL. Two such characteristics within these results are “Does not enjoy situations that require detailed record keeping or a high level of structure”, and “May not enjoy social situations or having to work face to face with people”. The first is problematic for a teaching career because being a teacher inherently involved record keeping, in grades and reports and sometimes more. Maintaining a classroom, at least an efficient one, also …show more content…

I do enjoy working with, teaching, and helping people and I do get satisfaction from these activities. At the same time, I do struggle with certain social situations, and as an introvert, I do not always enjoy working face to face with people. I also do not find keeping records enjoyable, and maintaining a high level of structure does not come easily to me, despite the fact that I prefer such environments for myself. Luckily, being the head of a classroom is not a social situation that I struggle with, and I can and have been working on other social situations, both related to the field of teaching and not. Keeping records is something I am trying to learn to enjoy, and am not necessarily bad at. I need to work on maintaining a high level of structure, and I know I will get there. As a whole, I found that the Personality Report generally rang true for me, with the exception of some characteristics underneath Realistic, such as “Likes activities that require mechanical, agricultural, or technical skills”, and “Likes to work with his or her hands to create, repair, or assemble tangible things”. These are not true for me at all, but the rest of the report is definitely a loose mold of myself. Excluding the Personality Report entirely, I still find my personality to be a good match for teaching English as a foreign language. I think I am well suited to being a teacher, especially a

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