Social Anxiety Research Paper

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Imagine that you’re at a crowded party full of people you don’t know and your friends have disappeared. You starts to feel nervous and starts shaking. You then feel like you can’t breathe. Now you know what it feels like to have social anxiety.

Social anxiety is the to constant to intense fear that if you behave in an unacceptable manner in social situations, you will get rejected. Symptoms may include blushing, nausea, excessive sweating, trembling or shaking, rapid heart-rate, dizziness, and difficulty speaking. It affects one-third of today's Americans.

The causes of social anxiety can be due to negative experiences like bullying, family conflicts, or sexual abuse. An overactive amygdala(a part of the brain that controls fear and anxiety) may also be a reason. Another cause scientists are debating on is biological. Some scientist state that social anxiety could be passed down because of genes. Social anxiety can also be affected by low self esteem, negative self talk, poor social skills, rouble being …show more content…

The first is generalized anxiety. Those with generalized anxiety always worry about small things that don’t need to be worried about. Just going through that day worry them and they think something always gonna go wrong. The second one is non generalized anxiety. They don’t really have anxiety unless they’re out in certain situations. An example would be speaking publicly.

An example of social anxiety I had cause me to have a panic attack. I was surrounded by people I did not know and my friends where no where to be found. I feared that people around me were judging and I felt like i didn’t belong. I felt like i couldn’t breathe and also felt like I would faint. I started shaking and felt like crying. Even now ,

The treatment for social anxiety is psychological counseling and sometime the use of medicine. It’s possible the treatment can be a permanent solution to social anxiety. Also meditation can a

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