So That Nobody Has To Go To School If They Dont Want To Summary

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School is Necessary for Everyone I read the article by Roger Sipher called “So That Nobody Has To Go to School If They Don’t Want To” that was written in 1977. Sipher makes his case for getting rid of compulsory-attendance laws in primary and secondary schools with six arguments. These fall into three groups. First that education is for those who want to learn and by including those that don't want to learn, everyone suffers. The second point he makes is that grades would be reflective of effort and elementary school teachers wouldn't feel compelled to pass failing students. And lastly he thinks that schools would both save money and save face with the elimination of compulsory-attendance laws. I do not agree with his reasoning for students to let students choose whether or not they want to attend school. I work in the field of education and I feel strongly that the institution of education has an obligation to serve all students, whether or not they want the …show more content…

His solution to the perceived crisis of American education is to "Abolish compulsory-attendance laws and allow only those who are committed to getting an education to attend". This sounds like a republican, agenda to me, because they only care about less government and everyone should be able to “pull themselves up by their own boot straps”. Sipher is obviously a wealthy white man with white privilege and has no compassion for people who learn differently, people with emotional problems, poverty, or have family problems. I disagree with his solution to ending “mandatory-attendance laws” and would rather see the institution of education to create more services and more support to those student with attendance and trouble while at school. School is necessary for everyone. It is a civil right and should not be affected by attendance

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