Snapchat Research Paper

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Every day, I communicate with my friends and family through a social media platform, called Snapchat. Snapchat, is a way for me to talk to people I don’t talk to often or talk to new people. It allows people to share funny moments through video or photo, but you can also send a chat to create plans or talk about your day. Although the average person may think there is one way to Snapchat, there are various personalities when it comes to snapping others. These personalities take away from the purpose of snapchat which make it harder for someone to enjoy the app. The Conversation Starting King/Queen Snapchat is used to constantly have conversations with people. It is nice to talk to your friends all the time, but often it Snapchat is overused to start small talk that leads to nowhere. Most times I check my phone during lunch and open the snapchats I have received during my morning classes. After responding to the people that have snapped me I get a few snaps back. The first snap I open says “wyd” (what you doing). My response is obviously “at school”, because what else would I be doing at 11:09 am on a Tuesday? This person continues this conversation, by saying “cool” or “haha same”. This makes it harder for us to keep talking so, the conversation comes to an end, when the …show more content…

Boys have been notorious for this action. After sending them a picture, asking them a question about the science homework, they respond with a black screen with a minimal answer, leading to nowhere. Usually, I will snap back, another picture of my face or what I am currently doing, and I receive yet another black screen. This will give almost anyone the impression that the person that’s being snapped, doesn’t want to talk or snap. This allows people to deteriorate the intention for Snapchat and allows it to become something it was not meant to

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