Smarter Than You Think Essay

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The human race has successfully repeated one of its most reliable cycles. It all starts with a piece of revolutionary technology; new possibilities begin to unveil themselves after a few clever updates and uses. Yet even as the vast majority finds promise in the new tech, critics never fail to spout their condemnations. From books to television, they have been consistent in their efforts to prevent automation. With the advent of digital technology - such as phones or computers - a new wave of critics has washed ashore. Despite the past doomsday predictions, humanity continues to thrive. Does this mean that it’s safe to disregard the new batch of naysayers as a miscalculated group of luddites? If they are correct, and we’re less capable and negatively affected by our own technology, then we should be concerned. …show more content…

In his essay “Smarter Than You Think”, Clive Thompson explains how a “master could be beaten by relative newbies, if the amateurs were extremely skilled at integrating machine assistance.” (346) He references two relatively low skilled chess players who had won a high level tournament by incorporating technology into their play style. One may ask how this relates to my argument, or why it even matters. Certainly this game of chess hasn’t opened up the floodgate holding back countless new careers. I argue that this is not just a captivating underdog story; this is coevolution at work. The two amateurs were just that, amateurs. They weren’t capable enough to play against the grand masters under normal circumstances. The difference was that their technology granted them the chance to solve new challenges once thought impossible. If these two chess newbies could become champions, think of how the average person can become extraordinary when given the tools advanced enough to solve their problems. Studying thousands of plays was no longer a prerequisite for

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